Of bills that received approval during the most recent Texas legislative session, about 70 pertain to the Texas Public Utility Commission and its regulatory activities. ________________________________________________ Lawmakers during the recently-concluded...
Atmos described one recent scam as “an ongoing Search Engine Phishing operation” under which con artists use search-engine optimization techniques to promote bogus websites. ________________________________________________ Cybercriminals have created fake company...
Any generation resource or qualifying large load with the capacity of delivering power for two hours can provide ERCOT Contingency Reserve Service. ________________________________________________ ERCOT has launched a new Ancillary Service — the first in more than two...
TXANS will deliver real-time information on grid operations as well as public alerts on forecasted weather events that may increase energy demand. ________________________________________________ The Electric Reliability Council of Texas has launched a new online...
ERCOT argued that it enjoys immunity against legal actions relating to its official actions because the organization claims it acts as a division of state government. ________________________________________________ Sovereign immunity — the legal principle that...
TCCFUI is comprehensively focused on utility issues for Texas cities! With its volunteer board of city representatives, we work with other state and local organizations to fill unserved city needs.