Weatherizing gas facilities can be costly — according to some estimates, up to $50,000 for new and existing wellheads — and lawmakers on the Business and Commerce committee noted that some operators may simply chose to pay $150 to avoid the expense....
The ACSC reviewed a series of GRIP rate increases in a portion of the Atmos service area. By R.A. Dyer The Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program, or GRIP, allows monopoly gas utilities to increase rates even if the company’s overall expenditures are declining, even...
The Dallas Morning News on September 23 published “Time Bomb,” an ambitious two-part investigation into the safety record of Atmos Energy. The report was authored by journalists Cary Aspinwall and Holly K. Hacker. The first part, entitled “How...
More than 3,000 — that’s the number of leaks the Atmos Mid-Tex utility has discovered on its Dallas-area gas-line system during the first half of 2018. And nearly half the leaks are hazardous. These were among the dramatic findings included in a recent investigative...
The Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program, or GRIP, allows monopoly gas utilities to increase rates even if the company’s overall expenditures are declining, even if its revenues are increasing or even if the company is earning windfall profits. Under GRIP rules, a...
TCCFUI is comprehensively focused on utility issues for Texas cities! With its volunteer board of city representatives, we work with other state and local organizations to fill unserved city needs.