Ms. Jackson joins fellow PUC commissioners Will McAdams, Lori Cobos and Jimmy Glotfelty, and chair Peter Lake.
Gov. Greg Abbott has appointed Kathleen Jackson to the Public Utility Commission of Texas for a term set to expire on September 1, 2027. The PUC regulates the state’s electric, water, wastewater, and telecommunications utility industries, implements respective legislation, and offers customer assistance in resolving consumer complaints.

Kathleen Jackson
Ms. Jackson, a resident of Beaumont, is a board member of the Texas Water Development Board, where she has served since 2014. She also is a registered Professional Engineer, former chairman of the Southeast Texas Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, a member of the Environmental Flows Advisory Group and Texas Farm Bureau, and a board member and former president of the Lamar Institute of Technology Foundation. She is a former board member of the Lower Neches Valley Authority and the Texas Water Conservation Association. Jackson received a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University.
The appointment was announced on August 5th. Ms. Jackson now joins fellow PUC commissioners Will McAdams, Lori Cobos and Jimmy Glotfelty, and chair Peter Lake.