The city-backed candidates will return to spots they currently hold on ERCOT’s 16-member board, as well as on a key policymaking panel.
A slate of candidates nominated by Texas municipalities have been selected again to represent consumer interests at ERCOT, the organization that oversees the state’s primary power grid.
The city-backed candidates will return to spots they currently hold on ERCOT’s 16-member board, as well as on a key policymaking panel. The new terms are for the 2021 calendar year.
ERCOT, or the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, is a non-profit, quasi-governmental organization that oversees the state’s primary power grid as well as a stakeholder process that sets rules for its wholesale power market. The organization operates on an annual budget of more than $260 million.
The returning members include Nick Fehrenbach, who again will represent the commercial consumer segment on the ERCOT board. Mr. Fehrenbach is the manager of regulatory affairs and utility franchising for the City of Dallas. Also returning as an ERCOT board alternate is Jennifer Richie, city attorney for the City of Waco.

Chris Brewster
In addition, two city representative return to spots on ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee, a 30-member panel that reports directly to the ERCOT board. These returning TAC members include Phil Boyd, representing the City of Lewisville; and Chris Brewster, representing the City of Eastland. Mr. Boyd and Mr. Brewster will serve on behalf of large commercial and small commercial segments, respectively.
Each of the city candidates — Fehrenbach, Richie, Brewster and Boyd — return to their respective positions in 2021 after an annual election process by ERCOT stakeholders. Because the slate faced no opposition, each of the city representatives will reassume their posts without a formal vote.
The returning members were formally certified for the ERCOT board and for TAC during ERCOT’s annual member meeting on December 1.