Under the August 15 filing, Atmos Pipeline Texas rates would fall by $37,733,101.


Atmos Energy, the Texas gas utility that serves the Dallas/Fort Worth area, has filed regulatory paperwork that would result in a $39.7 million rate cut for its pipeline division — or more than $1 on a typical bill.

The August 15 filing — which would be adjudicated under the interim Rider Revenue Adjustment process, or “Rider REV” — would lead to a $37,733,101 reduction in Atmos Pipeline Texas rates. This, in turn, which would lead to an approximate $1 reduction to the city gate capacity charge, bringing the new charge to $20.30379.

The capacity charge (which is measured on the basis of million British thermal units of the maximum daily quantity of gas flowing over the pipeline system) then gets allocated in an indirect fashion to residential customers. According to calculations by the Atmos Cities Steering Committee, a municipal coalition, typical bills would decrease by about $1.20 per month as a result.

The adjusted rates still require approval from the Texas Railroad Commission. The proposed effective date of the change is Nov. 1, 2024.

More Information
More information can be found at the Railroad Commission website, under Case No. 00018176.

— R.A. Dyer